New Appointment Consolidates BSI Group’s Chinese Ambitions


9 June 2004

BSI Management Systems, which provides management systems registrations to more than 40,000 organisations worldwide, today announced the appointment of Mr Mo-yuan Liu as managing director for China. This is an entirely new post at the Beijing headquarters and reflects China’s pivotal role within BSI Group’s Asian growth strategy.

Mr Liu will be responsible for all BSI Management Systems' offices and staff in the PRC.

Mr Mo-yuan Liu has spent most of his career to date with a range of international organisations, principally building his career with IBM, where he was responsible for its Global Services division across the Greater China region.

He brings to BSI strong business development and marketing acumen. Combining his extensive local knowledge and industry experience, BSI is well placed to accelerate growth and capture a greater share of the China market.

Says Duncan Lilley, managing director of BSI Management Systems, Asia: "BSI leads the world in developing management systems standards and has a proud heritage of assessing those standards in China. We took the decision to create the post of China managing director to ensure we continue to deliver the highest level of service to existing and future Chinese clients.

"I am very confident that Mo-Yuan understands the needs of the PRC market and will ensure our customers derive the maximum benefit from implementing management systems standards and certification with BSI. I warmly welcome Mo-Yuan to the BSI Group."


For more information please contact:

Wilma Tulloch on +44 (0)20 8996 6330 OR
Marc Edney on +44 (0)20 8996 6330

Notes to editors:

Mr Mo-yuan Liu is a graduate of the Beijing Institute of Technology. He is 41 and a PRC citizen.